
Tokenomics Spintria (SP)

SP Token

The key connection between the project and the community is the Spintria (SP) token. It acts as a transparent means of payment within the ecosystem and opens up new use cases for using the platform:
  • creates a constant influx of new users and increases the engagement of current users through different reward mechanics for creating content, purchasing content, and inviting friends.
  • connects consumers to content creators by allowing them to donate tokens directly to models and stake tokens to increase their rewards.
  • opens up opportunities to manage the platform through a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization), setting the size of commissions and controlling the platform Treasury.
  • Token distribution

    Public sale
    Future investors
    Team and Advisors
    Community Rewards
    Community Rewards
    51.1% of the total supply, vested over 5 years. This portion will be distributed among the community.
  • Airdrop – 5%
  • Loyalty Program – 15%
  • Staking Rewards – 31.1%
  • Treasury
    10%, linearly vested over 3 years. Tokens that are held for future initiatives and product experiments.
    Liquidity Management
    2%. Initial liquidity for DEXes and CEXes.
    Public sale
    1.9%, share sold on initial public sale, 2 years linear vesting.
    Team and partners
    25% of the supply, 1 year lockup, and 3 years linear vesting.
    Future investors
    10% with lockup and vesting depending on the sale date.

    Unlock Schedule

    Public sale
    Team and Advisors
    Community Rewards
    Initial distribution – 3% of the total supply:
  • 2% airdrop
  • 1% liquidity
  • Rewards (51.1%)
    Airdrop 5%
  • 1% is distributed to models
  • 1% is distributed to meme-coin holders on TON
  • 3% is to be distributed to attract models
  • Staking Rewards 30%
    The key product mechanic that incentives content creators to create content that community will enjoy:
  • Anyone can stake tokens for their favorite models.
  • The more tokens staked for the model, the more rewards the model receives, so the model is incentivized to create content to have more tokens staked into her profile.
  • Stakers receive rewards too for their staking activity. So, stakers are incentivized both by models unique content and token rewards.
  • Program length: 5 years.
    Loyalty program 15%
  • 10.5% to trading rewards. It is a trading incentivization program (aka “Leaderboard of sugar daddies”) that distributes N tokens per season linearly to traders contributed to platform trading volumes.
  • 2.7% to referral program rewards. This is a long-term incentivization program to reward community members who invite others to the platform.
  • 1.8% for marketing purposes. A small share will be used for different PR and communication activities throughout the product's life.
  • Buybacks
    A portion of the marketplace revenue will be used to buyback tokens on the open market daily.
    Liquidity management 2%
    A part of the token allocation will be distributed for the initial liquidity on a decentralized exchange to launch token trading and allow anyone to buy or sell a token. 2% of the total token supply will be distributed to liquidity management:
  • 1% initial liquidity
  • 1% is left for CEX listings / additional DEX liquidity
  • Join Spintria and become part of the revolution in the adult industry!

    for updates on @spintria